Why is brown rice bad for health?

  • The outer brown husk contains an anti-nutrient <phytic acid>
  • This anti-nutrient blocks absorption of minerals

What happens when I eat brown rice?

  • Trace minerals become deficient
  • Low thyroid iodine
  • low blood iron
  • low zinc
  • low magnesium
  • Dry skin, dry body, dehydration
  • increased rates of diabetes, cancer

White rice - safe

  • anti-nutrition <phytic acid> removed

Food high in <phytic acid> - anti-nutriention:

  • corn
  • nuts
  • seeds
  • grains
  • legumes
  • soy beans
  • brown rice
  • brown wheat

Deficiencies occur and health declines:

  • iron - hemoglobin, oxygen, pale <anemia>
  • iodine - thyroid, weight, metabolism, energy
  • zinc - protein function, insulin, fertility, liver, brain

 White rice is safe to eat, enjoy.


  • white rice lowers blood sugars
  • brown rice increases blood sugars
  • studies fail to mention which rice was used

From Wikipedia, before it is hidden / removed / sensored / fake studies:

Dietary mineral absorption

Phytic acid has a strong binding affinity to the dietary minerals, calcium, iron, and zinc, inhibiting their absorption.[1][29] Phytochemicals like polyphenols and tannins also influence the binding.[30] When iron and zinc bind to phytic acid, they form insoluble precipitates and are far less absorbable in the intestines. This process can therefore contribute to iron and zinc deficiencies in people whose diets rely on these foods for their mineral intake, such as those in developing countries[31][32] and vegetarians.[33]

Human nutrition

Because phytic acid can affect the absorption of iron, it has been proposed that "dephytinization [remove phytic acid] should be considered as a major strategy to improve iron nutrition during the weaning period".[34]

Wikipedia phytic acid archived on www.reboundheatlh.net/rhid19500 November 22, 2019

--- ignor the following, needs a separate page


phosphorus is essential for life, in single or small clusters, needed for:

  • DNA
  • RNA
  • ATP
  • phospholipids

Some poly-phosphates:

  • IP3 - Inositol tri-phosphate
  • IP4 - Inositol tetra-phosphate
  • IP5 - Inositol penta-phosphate

Once there is a cluster of 6 phosphates, trouble begins:

  • IP6 - Inositol hexa-phosphate, the one to avoid, sold in health food stores.
  • See inositol side effects at drugs.com

G6PD is a disorder of red blood cells, hemolytic anemia.

  • G6PD - glucose 6-phosphate disease

--- too technical, needs multiple pages or moved to reboundhealth.com

Iron is not held steady as the hemoglobin is spun into a protein, niacin and glutathione are co-deficient with regard to phosphate disturbances. High numbers of 6-phosphate bundles relates to zinc scavenging and deficiency, proteins fold improperly, red blood cells end up in not-normal disc shapes. We are not overly sick but have a shortened life span. G6PD is common in Africa with a high maize (corn) diet.

Sickle cell anemia is a disorder of red blood cells, irregular shape like a farmers sickle, hemolytic anemia. A more broad disease where one sub-set have G6PD.

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The Crazy guy.