Sodium + Chloride

Sodium in Greek is Natruim - Na

Na + Cl

  • Dry - rock salt - NaCl (if pure)
  • Wet - ionic - Na, separate, Cl

Dry rock salt is make granular with additives

Some are safe and some are un-healthy

Salt additives, <anti-caking> agents:

      E numbers, safe     E numbers, not safe

Not safe components:

  • lysine, very hing in Himalayan Salt, white or pink, inhibits immune system
  • glutamates, high in sea salt, nerve damage, excitotoxic
  • glutamates, sea salt, linked to high blood pressure
  • glutamates, Himalayan sea salt, white or pink salts
  • ferrocyanide, feeds a particular bacteria found in IBS and bowel cancers.
  • calcium is linked to high blood pressure, hardening of arteries, arthritis
  • calcium phosphate is added to cement to make it harder.
  • talcum powder is linked to baby powder causing cancer.

Pure salt, rock salt, does not cause high blood pressure.

Salt with safe additives does not cause high blood pressure.

Blood tests for sodium are important

  • avoid too little
  • avoid too much
  • needs to be in range
  • often in a kidney test section, 'electrolytes'

Oral salt

  • WHO - World Health Organization, suggests 2 grams NaCl / day
  • One teaspoon salt is 2.3 grams, spread out, not at one time
  • Sea salt is loaded with contaminents, especially MSG, avoid
  • Table salt is a better choice, free flowing always has additives
  • anti-caking agents can be good or bad
  • Sodium, Natrium in Greek - Na
  • Salt in this discussion is sodium-chloride - NaCl

Information about IV saline in hospitals:

  • Normal Saline (NS) is 0.9% salt water
  • 250 ml NS contains 2.25 grams NaCl
  • 500 ml NS contains 4.5 grams NaCl
  • 1,000 ml NS contains 9 grams NaCl
  • IV saline is infused slowly
  • not rapid, spread out


I'm Bryon

The Crazy guy.